
Foraging & Nature connection course

zondag 25 februari 2024 , 14:00 - 17:00 uur

Would you like to learn more about Foraging & Herbal Medicine? And dive deeper into nature connection right here in the city? 


 Would you like to learn to identify and feel comfortable picking your own wild food & medicine?

 In this 3 months Foraging & Nature Connection course I’ll take you on 6 expeditions of 2 hours, where we gather in a group of max 10 people and explore the local ecology, learn how to forage ethically, identify edible, medicinal and poisonous plants. An important part of foraging is nature connection, mostly through sense perception. In this course we will start every gathering with an observation exercise inspired by spiritual ecology or permaculture principles. 

Starting february 25th  Amsterdam - Westerpark 

 dates: 25 February - 10 & 24 March - 7 & 21 April - 5 may - 2024

Kosten toelichting
322,- for the whole course of 6 gatherings of 2 hours
Alle volwassenen
Vanaf 16 jaar
Omschrijving doelgroep 
Everyone who would love to learn more on edible medicinal plants and is happy to participate in nature connection exercises
maximum aantal deelnemers

Aantal aangemelde deelnemers: 1

Deze mensen komen:
- Marianne Kalsbeek

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