
Seeds Solidarities Co-design

maandag 13 december 2021 , 19:30 - 21:00 uur

Join us for our second co-design session for a seeds solidarities project / programme / network next year.

We have € 300 to spend on seeds and we need to do the order before the end of the year. Support us to decide which seeds to purchase, share and multiply next year.

We also meet to give feedback on the seeding document and decide next steps for gathering resources and funds to realise the solidarity project next year.

Your feedback is warmly welcomed and you can add comments to the document.

Pls RSVP and we will send the videocall link to you!

Iedereen (alle leeftijden)

Aantal aangemelde deelnemers: 2

Deze mensen komen:
- Ricarda Weiland
- Tobia Jones

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