
UNFOLDING - 6 week Spring Initiation

Op donderdag , 19:00 - 21:00 uur

Let go. Envision. Unfold.

Do you long to arrive deeply in your body and in the present moment? Would you like to replace limiting beliefs with self-support? Do you have something to share with the world, but you feel too insecure to do so? Do you want to stay sensitive and loving in the process?

This course is an invitation for us to consciously integrate the transition between Winter & Spring - to blow out the last bit of dust. To welcome the next cycle - to envision & unfold.

As a certified Mindfulness trainer and Eco-psychologist, I’ll equip you with body-mind-soul practices to strengthen your sense of connection to your inner and outer landscape. These practices will be your web of support throughout the year to follow your path with joy & determination.


• How?  The Framework • 

6 x 2 h classes in the urban Amsterdam studio that cover:

Eco-therapy & Mindfulness practice; Journaling Exercise; Somatic Practice, Group Sharing; Self-designed Ritual, PDF with journaling questions for envisioning; alignment & integration; A free guided audio meditation.


• Weekly Themes •

Day I. (2 March) Introduction Tools + Inner work — Mindfulness & Seasonal Embodiment Arriving in presence and our inner season - How & What?

Day II. (9 March) Shadow Work —Identifying limiting beliefs & conditioning What do you need to accept & let go of first, in order to create space for new visions & projects?

Day III. (16 March) Envisioning  —Where do you want to spend your focus and time on? What do you want to invite in spring and summer? What projects/creations/next steps are you envisioning for your year?

Day IV.  (23 March) Web of Support  —Empowerment towards self reliance and determination; building deep trust & solid boundaries. What do you need, in order to be supported? How can you hold yourself through limiting beliefs and societal pressures?

Day V. (30 March) Sense of Belonging —Drawing strength from your belonging to nature; Connecting to the more-than-human; Spring Solstice ceremony; Seasonal Embodiment

Day VI. (6 April) Integration — Take aways - Integrating & Aligning Open Space for exchange and questions.

Day VII. & VIII. (Upon agreement) Silent space class & Outside Rewilding walk; Additionally, there will be one Silent space class and one Outside Rewilding walk planned. The dates for these, we will pick together on the Introduction Day.


• Practicalities •

Date: Every Thursday in the period between 2 March - 6 April.

Time: 19:00 - 21:00, 2 hours per session. Between 18:45-19:00 is arrival time, with a cup of tea.

Location: Urban Studio in Amsterdam, Jordaan. Address details will be confirmed upon registration.


• Fee •

For the full experience, I advice you to join all 8 classes. If you book the full package, you save 25%, compared to the Drop-in classes. Payment in installments is possible, get in touch!

- Early birds till 16 February -

✧˚ · .You can purchase your ticket here: ✧˚ · .

*Fees include tea & cookies.
In the spirit of conscious contribution, as well as openness through hopefully accommodating diverse social groups, I offer a price scale with the low edge being for people with a small budget. I also accept exchange of services so please do get in touch if you are interested.


• About the teacher •

Lara Egbring (The Root of Life) is a certified Mindfulness trainer, Ecopsychologist and Seasonal Embodiment practitioner.


Feel free to get in touch if you have questions. 

Photo credits: Sander van der Valk

Beautiful studio in the Jordaan, Amsterdam. Address details will be confirmed upon registration.
Met korting
Kosten toelichting
Early birds till 16 February
Iedereen (alle leeftijden)
Vanaf 15 jaar
start / einde
Gestart op do 2 maart 2023. Beëindigd ma 6 maart 2023
maximum aantal deelnemers