
A Hildegard Morning 

zaterdag 13 april 2024 , 10:30 - 12:30 uur

Hildegard von Bingen was a visionary medieval abbess with strong opinions about how to live life to the fullest, in deep connection with nature, inside and out.

Start your weekend with intention, step out to breathe in the sweet spring air and join Tamara for a nourishing morning ritual inspired by Hildegard’s monastic practices, favourite herbs and holistic approach to self-care.

We will share Hildegard stories, activate our senses by foraging for Hildegard herbs in the garden, prepare a wholesome communal breakfast, eat together in mindful silence and clean up after ourselves, ready to continue the day with a joyful bounce in our steps. 

Participants should bring: a bowl and a spoon to eat with, a mug to drink from, a paper bag for foraged herbs.

About the guide Tamara Last
Tamara Last’s emerging herbology practice is motivated by a desire to (re)connect adults with the wild and to nurture in children a profound and gentle connection with the natural world. Plants are the golden thread that help her integrate her work as a birth doula, a gardener, a cook, a craft-maker, a mother, a community organiser and an interdisciplinary social scientist.

Anna's Tuin & Ruigte
Met korting
Kosten toelichting
€ 10–25 (pay what you feel like)
Iedereen (alle leeftijden)
Omschrijving doelgroep 
Sign up at
maximum aantal deelnemers

Aantal aangemelde deelnemers: 11

Deze mensen komen:
- Jessica Spadacini
- Emma Hovingh
- Frea Ottens
- Olga van Steenwijk
- Flor Macias Delgado
- Lotta Hoogman
- Kathy D
- Farida Alluch
- Loudi Langelaan
- elvi /

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2 reacties

Olga van Steenwijk

do 4 april 2024 20:22
Wat een heerlijke ochtend lijkt mij dat. Ik geef een yoga les in het gras van Amstelglorie dus ik moet iets eerder weg. Is dit een probleem? Hartelijke groet, Olga

Esther Krop

vr 5 april 2024 08:48
Hoi Olga, dat is geen probleem

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